Tuesday, October 4, 2011

One Date Wonders...Coon skin cap?

You know this guy.
He talks a great talk.
Educated - plus!
Tall - plus!
Asks to meet you as soon as possible.
Calls before date to confirm date.
You meet him for lunch.
He talks big talk.



try to contact him with a question....
subterfuge - yeah yeah whatever - I am not above it clearly!




Life as a single gal in North East Tennessee is not hopping


it would be if all I required







Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Bring on the Warpaint!!

My thought for the day

"Every so often a girl has to work with what God gave her"

This was my response to realizing getting dolled up for day date gets me all kinds of positive attention. So...do I look rather crappy the rest of the time? Sadly that is probably not to far off from the truth.

So back to the old southern wisdom - Always be dressed up including the all important lipstick!!!

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Hello!!!!!!!!! I'm BAACCKKK!!!!

Ah yes where does the time go? What mischief have I been into:)!
Well I haven't tried that hard to be naughty because it can be expensive!!
Times are tight my peeps!

How are you surviving these no real Chanel or faux Chanal for anyone days?

Chanal you ask? That is the Chanel you used to be able to afford!

Kate Paid for Kate Spade, Ucci for Gucci and Tory Bunch for Tory Burch.

I have "discovered" the Dollar Tree, Dollar Store and dollar bins at Target.

I would love to "discover" a larger paycheck but wouldn't most of us?

I can report that some older man did TOUCH my hair!! WITHOUT my permission1

Can't very well pop a grandpa can I? It was an infraction but he was not aware of the "RULE!"