Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Belle Red and the Grumpy Penguin

Blind Dates Ahh Blind Dates are they like mystery jelly beans?

One is yummy the next one tastes like ear wax.

Well I think I had that one with the "Grumpy Penguin."

How did he get his name? Hang around so you can be as stunned as I was!

On my set-up dates we met at an Italian restaurant. It seems my blind date "Bill" had been to this restaurant many times before. How do I know this? Well when I sat down across from the man who seemed unable to smile, I was immediately told by said man "I always get the same thing every time I come here." He proceeded to tell me he always gets the lasagna and eats half and takes the rest home for lunch the next day. sigh...Living on the Edge!

As we waited for our food I found out "Bill" was a computer programmer...hmmm. So was my ex-husband. I still didn't want to throw him to the curb just for that so I asked him about his family. He has full custody of a 13 year old daughter.

With his perpetual frown he said "If she knew I was at the mall she would be here right now."

"How old is she?” I asked?


He them went on to tell me all his daughter wants to do is talk on the phone and shop. "That’s all she does - talk and shop." I tried to explain to the jerk that this is normal for a 13 year old girl. He folded his arms over his chest and pouted yes pouted.

Lord that poor girl!

Complaining about your kids is a major red flag. What a jerk.

As I watched Mr. Personality put his remaining 1/2 lasagna in his doggie bag I knew this man was not for me or anybody who enjoyed light. My thoughts were confirmed when he tossed a card at me. Yes you read that right - "tossed a card at me" His calling card had his name, address, phone number and wait, I had to squint my eyes...an animated penguin in the corner. What the hell!

Run! Run!!!!

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